Horse Power NEC Taupō NEC Christchurch


Officiating is a great way to be involved in our sport from grassroots through to international events.

How to become an Eventing Official

All the information you need to know about becoming an official within the sport and working your way up through the pathway.

Upcoming Seminars

ESNZ Eventing seminars are open to all current Eventing Officials, (including Technical delegates, Course Designers, Stewards, and XC Judges). Riders, NZ Pony Club Officials and anyone else interested in becoming an Eventing Official are also welcome to attend.  Please note there is no charge to attend these seminars.


Upcoming National Eventing Seminars in 2024/2025

14th & 15th September 2024 – Central Otago PC. Registration information will be available in July.

30th November & 1st December 2024 – Brookby HT


FEI Seminars

21st-24th November: Level 1/2/3 maintenance and transfer up Officials seminar -Taupo Equestrian Centre

25th-27th November: Level 1 Course Designer workshop

Please email [email protected] to register your attendance for both of these seminars

Guide to Cross Country Course Design 

This Guide is not just for course designers but is intended to support all Officials in understanding the cross country test and design of cross country courses. It is not a rule book nor is it a stand-alone document, rather it is to be used as a supplementary document alongside the official ESNZ Eventing documents and the ESNZ Eventing Officials Education programme.     

Guide to securing Portable Cross Country fences

A resource has been developed by the NZ Eventing National Safety Officer in conjunction with the Technical Advisory Group to supplement the Guide to Cross Country Design. This resource covers securing portable Cross Country fences to maximize horse and rider safety.

Guide for Cross Country Judges

At all National Short format events there is a Chief Cross Country Judge, plus one or two Assistant Cross Country Judges.  These officials make up the Ground Jury for the event and they are in charge of the event, while it is in progress, and all final judgement decisions will be made by them.  

This guide outlines the role and its responsibilities.

Thought Prompter for Beginning Technical Delegates

Helpful thought prompters for beginning Technical Delegates. A living document that can be added to as you develop your ‘own’ system.


The FEI have released the latest standard for the implementation and fitting of Frangible Devices. The FEI have developed one page correct fitting checks to be utilised pre-event when building and inspecting the cross country course.

ESNZ Eventing have a range of MIM Clips in stock. Contact Hayley Pickmere, the Eventing Sport Manager at [email protected] to purchase.